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IP Portfolio Management

A patent portfolio is a collection of patents owned by a single entity, such as an individual or corporation. The patents may be related or unrelated. Patent applications may also be regarded as included in a patent portfolio.

The monetary benefits of a patent portfolio include a market monopoly position for the portfolio holder and revenue from licensing the intellectual property. Non monetary benefits include strategic advantages like first-mover advantages and defense against rival portfolio holders. Constituting a patent portfolio may also be used to encourage investment.

Because patents have a fixed lifespan (term of patent), elements of a portfolio of patents constantly expire and enter the public domain.

The HULSEY PC patent portfolio practice provides the following servicees:

  • Making the critical determination of when R&D becomes intellectual property involves considering the processes and costs relating to protecting market share through competitive intelligence.
  • Examining special portfolio considerations that arise with ip ownership in collaboration.
  • Controlling spiraling costs as pipelines get filled and portfolios go global; and
  • Advanced strategic business considerations for maneuvering in the global patent market.
  • Profile competitor, partner or other third-party patents against your own IP portfolio segmentation
  • Distinguish between internally developed and externally acquired patents within the same portfolio
  • Import patent data directly from the USPTO and esp@cenet
  • Patent portfolio and process management

We have the ability to integrate data from multiple systems, databases, spreadsheets and other sources. This work includes the following actions:

  • Patent drafting and prosecution workflow, and ensure that key participants know about internal and external deadlines.
  • Links disclosures, drafts, pending patent cases and issued patents to the appropriate category or segment of your portfolio.
  • Invention disclosure and track inventor incentive programs, pave the way for a steady stream of inventions to enter the patent process.
  • review and rating workflow help the most promising inventions advance quickly.
  • Decipher provides a secure central storehouse for inventions and patent drafting data.
  • Its web interface makes collaboration easier for inventors, inside counsel, and anyone else who participates in your patenting process, regardless of their location.
  • Use document library and available integrated email system to preserve important documents and communication trails.
  • Besides improving the efficiency of the patent process, help you forecast, budget and measure expenses associated with the patenting process, making it easier to manage resources.